Paula Abdul Reportedly Wants to Return to “American Idol”

August 17th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: McCarthy/

The cast members of the upcoming season of Dancing With the Stars were announced today, and to the surprise of many, Paula Abdul’s name wasn’t among this year’s crew of waltzing celebrities (see the list at Us Weekly). According to the Los Angeles Times, even though ABC was among the most enthusiastic of the major networks vying for Abdul’s services after she announced she was leaving American Idol, Abdul and ABC have failed to come to agreeable terms to bring the former judge over. Negotiations have broken down so badly, the LA Times writes, that Abdul’s rumored cameo on next season’s Ugly Betty has also been called off.

So where does this leave Abdul? According to TMZ, the reason she didn’t join Dancing With the Stars was because she wanted to be able to join American Idol if the show’s producers finally met her $10 million contract demands. With ABC likely not happening, Abdul is reportedly hoping to rejoin American Idol, “sources” tell TMZ.

However, as Rock Daily reported last week, the money isn’t the only reason Abdul left Idol: Abdul felt that subtle jokes from her co-stars regarding her rumored drug addiction and her affair with a contestant reportedly cost Abdul a chance at a lucrative endorsement contract. Plus, Abdul wanted to be paid in the same ballpark as Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest.

Click here for Adam Lambert’s reasons why he’ll miss Paula Abdul on Idol.

Meanwhile, American Idol isn’t waiting around for Abdul to rejoin the judge’s table. After Victoria Beckham and Katy Perry previously filled in Abdul, People reports that both Mary J. Blige an...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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